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Prezentacije projekta tijekom konferencija
U 2018. godini
Seminar o Clim'Foot projektu, 28. ožujak 2018.
28. ožujka 2018., ENEA i Ecoinnovazione, u suradnji s Association of Bologna engineers, prezentirali su o Clim'Foot projektu: "Misurare e gestire l'impronta di carbonia della organizzazioni : opportunità e strumenti" u Bologni, Italija.
U 2017. godini
LIFE Info dan, 21. ožujak 2017.
Željko Jurić iz EIHP-a, je prezentirao ciljeve, aktivnosti i rezultate LIFE Clim'Foot projekta na LIFE Info danu. Događaj je organizirala Nacionalna kontakt točka za LIFE program, u suradnji s Ministarstvom zaštite okoliša i energetike.
Zagreb Energy Efficiency Fair 2017, 6. travanj 2017.
Dinko Đurđević iz EIHP-a, je predstavio LIFE Clim'Foot projekt na Zagreb Energy Efficiency Fair 2017, tijekom sekcije "Zelena gradnja - Zelena energija". Događaj je organizirao Zagrebački holding i Zagrebački velesajam, uz partnere sekcije projekt Domus Croatia i Zeleno Sunce.
LIFE Info dan, 9. svibanj 2017.
Na LIFE Info danu predstavljena je priprema i provedba LIFE Clim'Foot projekta, od strane Željka Jurića, EIHP. Događaj je organizirala Nacionalna kontakt točka za LIFE program, kako bi se pomoglo potencijalnim prijaviteljima u pripremi projektnih prijedloga za LIFE natječaj u 2017. godini.
8. Zagreb energetski tjedan 2017, 10. svibanj 2017.
Leila Luttenberger iz EIHP-a je prikazala provedbu i očekivane rezultate LIFE Clim'Foot projekta na 8. Zagreb energetskom tjednu 2017, u Tehničkom muzeju Nikola Tesla. Događaj je organizirao Grad Zagreb.
Konferencija i ceremonija dodjele nagrada za nisko-ugljičnu ekonomiju, 24. svibanj 2017., Budimpešta
KÖVET Association je organizirala konferenciju o prijelazu na nisko-ugljičnu ekonomiju, zajedno s dodjelom nagrada za najučinkovitiju organizaciju u aktivnosti organizacije okolišnih programa. Događaj je koncentriran na mogućnosti i izazove ne-ETS organizacija u smanjenju vlastitih okolišnih učinaka, naročito u pogledu ugljikovog otiska. Clim'Foot projekt je prezentirao Lorant Riesz iz HOI-a. Kako bi se primijenila nisko-ugljična ekonomija kroz promjene načina razmišljanja o procesima u organizaciji, prezentirane su metodologija, mađarske i europske baze podataka te iskustvo vezano uz dobrovoljni program. Balázs Mátai iz HOI-a je predstavio mogućnosti i izazove identifikacije učinkovitog smanjenja aktivnosti koje su uzrok visokom ugljikovom otisku te predstavio francusku inicijativu - ACT program.
Nacionalni dan održivog razvoja u Mađarskoj, 25. svibanj 2017, Budimpešta
"Prilagodba i dobrobit, promišljanje urbanog razvoja”
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija je organizirana po drugi put od strane Nacionalnog sveučilišta javnih usluga, kako bi se raspravila glavna pitanja prirodnih i društvenih znanosti, u kontekstu otpornosti i prilagodbe klimatskim promjenama, naročito u urbanim ekosustavima, zbog činjenice da se urbanizacijom suočavamo s okolišnim, tehničkim i socio-ekonomskim problemima. Većina rješenja i odgovora će potjecati iz gradova.
U prvom su dijelu konferencije tri profesora prezentirali kontekst utjecaja vode, meteoroloških promjena, urbanog razvoja i socijalnog utjecaja. Nakon plenarnog sastanka, 7 različitih sekcija je organizirano vezano uz održive gradove, urbano upravljanje vodama, sigurnost hrane, urbane ekosustave i urbane centre kao središta smanjenja emisija.
CFO i Clim’Foot projekt je predstavio Lorant Riesz iz HOI-ja. Prezentacija je podijeljena u dva glavna dijela: jedan se odnosio na razloge zašto je upravljanje ugljikovim otiskom potrebno za ne-ETS organizacije, a drugi na CFO metodu i rezultate projekta.
Događaj pokretanja LIFE URBANPROOF projekta, Peristeri, 3. travanj 2017
LIFE Clim’foot projekt je prezentirala Stavroula Papagianni tijekom pokretanja događaja LIFE URBANPROOF, Climate proofing urban municipalities projekta. Događaj se odvio u općini Peristeri 3. travnja 2017. Program radionice i dodatne informacije možete pronaći ovdje.
Verde.tec Forum “Environmental Technologies”, Atena, 2. ožujak 2017.
Alati i metode za izračun ugljikovog otiska za ne-ETS organizacije u sklopu LIFE Clim'Foot projekta prezentirala je Effie Korma, tijekom Verde.tec Forum “Environmental Technologies”. Ovaj događaj je organiziran 2. ožujka 2017. te je proveden paralelno sa Verde.tec Fair u Ateni.
Intervju na grčkom nacionalnom radio kanalu, 7. siječanj 2017.
Intervju o LIFE Clim'Foot projektu (“Projektni opseg, očekivani rezultati i grčko sudjelovanje u projektnom dobrovoljnom programu"), na SKAI kanalu “Eco News programme” (grčki nacionalnih radio kanal).
Climate change and awareness rising, 16th February 2017
A LIFE Climate policy training was organized by the LIFE Climate Policy Department of the National Ministry of Development concerning climate change and awareness rising on 16th February, 2017 in Budapest, Hungary. The organizers wanted to highlight the importance of climate awareness rising and to give information about the existing Climate Governance and Information, GIC project opportunities.
Beyond the basic information of the LIFE Programme national and foreign successful LIFE projects were presented, one by Magda Zadrag, a Polish project regarding implementation of sustainable development based on socially responsible transformation coordinated by WWF and the international Clim’Foot project by Lorant Riesz concerning the carbon footrprinting possibilities of organisations, the ongoing activities and the further objectives and plans.
For more info visit the following link (only in Hungarian):
Training course - IFOA, 13th June 2017
A training course “Migliorare la sostenibilità delle organizzazioni: LCA e strumenti dell’Economia circolare” has been organised the 13th June 2017, in Parma Italy. The course has been organized with the support of Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali (IFOA) of Parma, in Italy. IFOA designs and manages complex initiatives and strategic activities and the transfer of good practices, funded at national and regional level, in addition to technical assistance projects on behalf of Public Administrations and other Institutional bodies.
The objective of this training course was to present to local enterprises some tools and services available to improve their sustainability practices. In particular, it has been shown by Valentina Fantin the LCA methodology and its many different applications such as the standardized international environmental labels and some success cases, explained by Arianna Dominici Loprieno. Besides, Simona Scalbi has presented an overview of Clim’Foot project, showing the main issues and objectives of the activities and the possibility to businesses to participate to the training course for the reduction of their Carbon Footprint.
U 2016. godini
7th Zagreb Energy Week 2016, 11th May 2016
The LIFE Clim’Foot project was presented by Mr Željko Jurić on the 7th Zagreb Energy Week 2016 “Development we don’t want stop, but pollution we can!”, at the City of Zagreb Tribune. The event was organised by the City of Zagreb and its Office for Energy, Environmental Protection, and Sustainable Development.
25th Forum - Croatian Energy Day, 18th November 2016
The article “Climate Change Mitigation by Reducing Organizations’ Carbon Footprint” was presented by Mr Željko Jurić, on the 25th Forum - Croatian Energy Day. The Forum was organized by the Croatian Energy Association, a member of the World Energy Council.
“Open Day: Sustainable Energy Action Plans in the Public Sector and the experience of Municipalities from planning to implementation”, Athens, 14th October 2016
The LIFE Clim’Foot and the voluntary programme of the project was presented by Mrs Effie Korma during the “Open Day: Sustainable Energy Action Plans in the Public Sector and the experience of Municipalities from planning to implementation” in Athens on 14th October 2016. The event was organized by CRES in the context of European projects Republic_ZEB, Mayors in Action and 50000&1 SEAPs.
LIFE information conference, 14th June 2016
A LIFE information conference has been organized the 14th of June by the Hungarian Development Center to provide up-to date information related to LIFE Programme for potential beneficiaries. In the first part of the event, experts from Ministry of National Development presented the general rules of the programme and shared the know-how what is the key for a successful application. Clim'Foot project has been presented during this conference as a successful Hungarian LIFE project, currently the only in Climate Governance and Information subprogramme in Hungary by Lorant Riesz from Herman Otto Institute.
Congress "Life Cycle Thinking, sostenibilità, ed Economia Circolare", 23th and 24th June 2016
Clim'Foot LIFE project has been presented during the Congress "Life Cycle Thinking, sostenibilità, ed Economia Circolare" held in Ravenna the 23 and 24 of June. It was the 10th Conference of the Italian Network on LCA. In the proceeding of Conference the article on development of national Databases was published.
Please find here the programme
Scientific conference, 26th May 2016
An international scientific conference has been organised the 26th of May by the National University of Public Service to discuss topical questions of natural and social sciences in the context of resilience and adaptation to climate change. The objective of the conference was to evaluate the impacts of COP21, held in Paris in 2015, and the opportunities of the forthcoming COP22 in Marrakesh. The Clim'Foot project has been presented during this conference.
“National Workshop Ecomundo - "Carbon Footprint calculation and reduction in the Italian organisations", 8th November 2016
The national workshop “Carbon Footprint, favorire il calcolo e la riduzione nelle organizazioni Italiane” has been organised in Rimini, Italia, the 8th November 2016. The national workshop was organised in the framework on the national exhibition “Ecomondo”, whichattracts more than 100.000 visitors every year. The workshop was sold out, with more than 80 participants who attended the presentations and participated in the debate. After the welcome of the session’s chairs, the workshop was opened by the presentation on the Clim’Foot project, during which the main goals and activities were illustrated. Then, a representative of the Ministry of Environment presented the initiatives on the carbon footprint carried out at national level, including the national voluntary programme, which in previous years made available also funds for the organisations that wanted to start implementing eco-innovation processes. Then, the workshop was focussed on Carbon Footprint calculations and experiences in the private sectors, with example for the finance (banks), agro-food (ham) and telecommunication sectors. The applications in the public sectors were the object of the second part of the day, with examples from Universities and metropolitan areas.
Overall, the participants expressed a real appreciation of the initiative and of the Clim’Foot project, and the ned for a national-specific emission factors databases was highlighted as a key topic for promoting national and industrial policies on carbon footprint and their uptake.
Presentation of the LIFE programme, 11th April 2016
The French Ministry of environment, energy and the sea and the Ministry of housing and sustainable habitat organized a briefing on the European LIFE programme the 11th of April 2016 at La Défense. The objective was to present the LIFE programme and the different types of funding available, to expose the assistance service proposed by the Ministry and to share feedbacks concerning the submission of proposals. ADEME has made a presentation of Clim’Foot and has given a feedback concerning the project submission.
For more information:http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Retour-sur-la-journee-d.html