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- Programme LIFE
- LIFE programme & Clim'Foot
LIFE programme & Clim'Foot
What is the LIFE programme?
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value.
LIFE began in 1992 and to date there have been four complete phases of the programme (LIFE I: 1992-1995, LIFE II: 1996-1999, LIFE III: 2000-2006 and LIFE+: 2007-2013). Since 1992, LIFE has co-financed some 4 171 projects, contributing approximately €3.4 billion euros to the protection of the environment and climate.
The European Commission (DG Environment and DG Climate Action) manages the LIFE programme. The Commission has delegated the implementation of many components of the LIFE programme to the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). External selection, monitoring and communication teams provide assistance to the Commission and EASME.
LIFE EU policy priorities addressed by the Clim’Foot project
The LIFE Clim'Foot project will directly lead to the implementation of 5 National public policies for CFO calculation and reduction and it is expected that 5 additional ones will be designed at long-term. This is clearly in accordance with the LIFE policy priorities of the Governance programme that requires "support actions associated with climate change mitigation and adaptation priority areas". These public policies will indeed result in the implementation of numerous mitigation plans at local scale to reduce CFO and thus participate to the global reduction of GHG emissions.
The LIFE programme also encourages "projects that share and develop expertise across Europe […] on the challenges and opportunities related to the 2030 climate and energy policies". Capacity building programme is one of the main objectives of the LIFE Clim'Foot project, with the final aim of developing expertise of EU policy makers on the opportunities offered by the support of CFO calculation and reduction to reach EU climate objectives. Only a few countries in the world have been aware on the potential of creating country-specific material to involve organisations and have them calculated their indirect GHG emissions. Because of the LIFE Clim'Foot demonstration and dissemination campaign, EU policy makers will then assess the added value of National databases of emission factors and specific training material to implement ambitious public policies for reducing CFO.
The LIFE Guidelines for applicant also requires a "clear added value in terms of coverage, replicability, transferability or transnational scope". The LIFE Clim'Foot covers 5 EU countries and plan to enlarge its transnational scope and geographical coverage by inviting at least 5 additional countries to take part to an advisory board. Replicability of the project results is very high since the 28 EU countries are potentially interested in, as well as transferability since climate change is only a first indicator that will be enriched by additional ones to shift towards OEF.