Activities of the project

One of the goal of the project is to address the lack of tools and methodology (other than EU-ETS) for the implementation of national public policies aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of organisations in the countries of the European Union.

More precisely, the project focuses on the implementation of five National public policies to reduce Carbon Footprint of Organisations (CFO), with differences in the activities implemented according to the initial situations of each country.

You will find below a description of the activities carried out during the project.

  1. Creation of the training materials

To reach the objective of improving the skills of European stakeholders for calculating organisation’s carbon footprint, one of the first tasks of the project was to create training materials adapted to National contexts for the different targets of the project:

  • the training of public entities to train National policy makers to the design and implementation of CFO public policies
  • the training of end-users to teach them how to calculate organisation’s carbon footprint

To create these training materials, a benchmark on best practices and beneficiaries’ needs was realized. It allowed designing the most suitable training tools on how to apply the existing standards for CFO calculation. Then, three types of supported were created for the training: Trainers training, online training, onsite training materials.

You will find more information on the trainings here.

  1. Definition of the methodology for constituting the National Databases

One of the major aims of the project is to spray all over Europe common methodologies and standard databases for calculating organization’s carbon footprint. That is why a methodology for creating National databases of emmissions factors was created.

This methodology is based on a study and benchmark of the emission factors databases all over the world, and best practices. The aim was also to identify all the elements of the National databases as well as to define the methods to collect these elements.

You can see this methodology here.

  1. Design of the voluntary programs

One of the project goals is the implementation of new voluntary programs to develop carbon accounting in the five participating countries, at different levels depending on the maturity of practices in each country.

That is why the design of the voluntary program is different among countries:

  • In a first time, Italy, Greece, Croatia and Hungary focus on the calculation of carbon footprint. Then, with the most advanced organizations, they are going to work on the definition of carbon management strategy and mitigation plan.
  • France, which is working on carbon accountability for years, develop another voluntary program related to support to organisations to assess and improve their carbon management strategy and mitigation plan.

You can find more information here.

  1. Training of trainers

This training was organized to train National policy makers to the design and implementation of CFO public policies, based on the existing methodologies for carbon accounting. The trainings includes two themes:

  • The content of the end-users training
  • Animation, techniques and methods that are specific to trainings for adults.

You will find free training materials and more information here.

  1. Creation or adaptation of databases

This activity is part of the development of country-specific data.

By creating databases, the project will meet a European need of having National databases of emission factors to further calculate the organisation’s carbon footprint. This action allows transmission of knowledge to beneficiaries and it will also constitute an important basis for further replication of the project results to external stakeholders. The data collected and gathered in these National databases will be used by end-users for the calculation of their carbon footprint.

Some countries had to create their databases and to follow different steps to constitute them : identification of key source to collect data, review of the conditions of obtaining and using the existing data on emission factor, creation of new data, development of a database structure, definition of a complete documentation presenting data calculation hypothesis, verification process.

Italy and France had already some databases, and had to adapt these databases to fit with the objectives of the LIFE Clim’Foot project.

  1. Launching of voluntary programs

The objective of the launching of voluntary program is to contribute to the development of public policies which incentive public and private organisations to calculate and even to reduce their carbon footprint, following their level of maturity. This launching have to begin with the training of organization.

You will find more information here.

  1. Training of organization

Some adapted training materials have been developed, addressing the organisations that will participate to the public policy and calculate their CFO. The material is developed in each language of the project. You will find more information in the Program menu, with “training onsite” article for each country.

An e-learning programme is also available on the platform to teach organisations how to calculate organisation’s carbon footprint. See more information in the dedicated webpage, here.

  1. Support to the calculation of carbon footprint of 50 organisations

One of the major aims of the project is to spray all over Europe common methodologies and standard databases for calculating organization’s carbon footprint. At least 50 organisations are calculating their carbon footprint in Italy, Greece, Croatia and Hungary. They have been supported technically during the different steps of the calculation.

  1. Support to the definition of carbon management strategy and mitigation plan for 10 organisations

This action is related to the implementation of a strategy to manage organization carbon footprint. The organisations:

  • assess their level of maturity regarding organisation carbon footprint management
  • define a mitigation plan based on the identification of the main levers for reducing carbon footprint.
  1. Support to the assessment of carbon strategy for 29 organisations

This part aims at developing a set of methodologies that takes a holistic view of a company’s, looking both at its operational impacts and dependencies, as well as of its supply chain. The ultimate goal is to drive action by companies and put them on a 2°C compatible pathway in terms of their climate strategy, business model, investments, operations, GHG emissions and GHG emission management.

More information here.

  1. Monitoring of environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the project

The LIFE Clim’Foot project will have direct impacts on the implementation of EU climate legislation as well as the involvement of different types of stakeholders that are monitored all along the project to ensure reaching objectives. The project has also impacts on local population’s awareness about carbon accountability and on economy.

  1. Dissemination and replicability

An important dissemination campaign is currently implemented to raise awareness of EU policy makers and invite them to join the LIFE Clim'Foot initiative

To optimize the replicability of the project and transfer of the project results among other public entities, a training of at least 30 European policy makers (out of the consortium) will be organized the 15th of June, 2018, to prepare the extension and pursuit of the Clim'Foot approach in other European countries. More information here.

  1. Creation of a cooperation platform

The objective of this part is to put online all the material produced during the project life: training materials, databases, methodologies and tools and to give some news, information about the project. As the projects has 2 main targets: the organisations and the policy makers, two complete toolboxes have been developed to involve more users in the Clim’Fot projet and to allow the replicability of its results:

  • One for policy makers that includes country-specific material to enable policy makers to support the implementation of climate change policies involving an important number of public and private organisations, here;
  • One for both public and private organisations that supports them to calculate and/or reduce their carbon footprints, here.