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- Ways to reduce emissions
Ways to reduce emissions
What is an action plan?
An action plan to reduce GHG emissions is a set of actions aiming for reducing the GHG emissions, produced directly (scope 1) or indirectly (scope 2 and 3) by the organization activities.
It must be based on the GHG inventory, and address the significant sources of GHG. An action plan should be implemented and followed. The Bilan Carbone© Clim’Foot tool can be used to evaluate regularly the global results of the different actions.
Action classification
Actions are classified in 3 main categories:
Quick wins: all actions that are quick and easy to put in place, even if the GHG reduction impact is not significative. Their main interest is to motivate your colleagues, being able to show results rapidly;
Priority or high potential: actions that targets most important GHG emission sources. They often require investment and can generate important GHG emission reduction, in mid-term;
Strategic: imply to reconsider partially or totally the business model of your organization. The idea is to answer yes to the question “is your organization compatible with a low-carbon society ?”. It could require significative investments, but it is the only way to reduce drastically your GHG emissions, and reach the 2° objective of the Paris Agreement. All of this will happen in the long term, of course!
How to build an action?
There should be a continuity between the action building and its implementation. To insure this continuity, it is necessary to engage a co-construction approach with interested parties (board meeting and technical committee, employees, etc).
You have to identify a lot of possible actions first. Do not limit yourself to those you think are doable. For this step, the participative construction is important, some could think about technological solutions and other could be creative to identify innovative solutions : organize a workshop ! It will be really good to motivate your managers, stakeholders or colleagues.
Once a lot of actions have been imagined, you should try to build precise and quantified actions. The actions should be defined on an action form with all information allowing its implementation, like:
a detailed description of the action,
objectives and targets,
the action promoter,
following and results indicators,
estimated budget and timing,
facilitators and obstacles.
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