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Update of the program in Croatia
Global results:
Twelve organisations have delivered the results of the carbon footprint calculation in the national Bilan Carbone Clim’Foot tool. Most organisations (10) have prepared an appropriate report on the carbon footprint calculation. Croatian end-users are from the following type of organisations:
- Number of public organisations: 8
- Croatian Agency for Environment and Nature - CAEN
- Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka - EFRI
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb – FSB
- Croatian Institute for Public Health – CIPH
- Croatian Lottery – CL
- Zagreb Freight Station, Zagreb Holding – ZFS
- Croatian Employment Service – CES
- Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar – EIHP
- Number of private organisations: 4
- EKONERG - Energy and Environmental Protection Institute
- Ericsson Nikola Tesla – ENT
- Končar - Power Transformers – KPT
- Valamar Riviera – VR
EIHP decided to implement the carbon footprint calculation for a three-year period (2015-2017) of own company in order to provide better practical support to the Croatian end-users.
In total, 10 end-users prepared comprehensive carbon footprint calculation for all three scopes, although for some of them, calculations of GHG emission for Scope 3 activities are not completed. However, carbon footprint calculation for all organisations could be improved in the future.
The contributions of Scope 1, 2 and 3 activities to the total carbon footprint for 4 private and 6 public organisations are presented in the following Figure. Scope 3 activities contributed to the total carbon footprint with more than 50% in analysed organisations.

Activities realised by end-users and EIHP:
Following the training sessions, representatives from organisations have introduced the management and key employees with their role in the project, defined the parameters and the input data for carbon footprint calculation and started their calculation.
On-site visits were performed to the following end-users:
- Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka (10th October 2017);
- Croatian Employment Service (27th November 2017);
- Zagreb Freight Station (6th December 2017);
- Croatian Institute for Public Health (18th December 2017 and 16th December 2016);
- Valamar Riviera (1st February 2018);
- Croatian Lottery (7th February 2018);
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb (21st March 2018);
- Croatian Agency for Environmental and Nature (26th March 2018);
- EKONERG - Energy and Environmental Protection Institute (29th March 2018);
- Ericsson Nikola Tesla (11th May 2018);
- Končar - Power Transformers (22nd May 2018).
Before December 2017, representatives from the Faculty of Economics (University of Rijeka) have collected almost all the required data and have inserted the majority of it in the Bilan Carbone Clim’Foot model. Correspondingly the carbon footprint calculation for the above-mentioned organization was completed in an early stage. The Faculty of Economics has considered Scope 1, 2 and 3 which was at first very challenging, but the results appear to be successful. Additionally, an article about their undertaken work and project was published in the local newspapers (http://www.novilist.hr/Vijesti/Rijeka/Ekonomski-fakultet-postao-prva-visokoskolska-ustanova-s-izracunatim-ugljikovim-otiskom). In March 2017 the Faculty of Economics has completed its carbon footprint calculation. Even though, completing the carbon footprint calculation previously, the Faculty of Economics has maintained an extremely high level of interest within the voluntary program. Their interested was recognized at the consortium level, which has led to their representative participation at the Final conference, held in June in Paris. The representative from the Faculty of Economics showed a high level of maturity in the carbon footprint calculation. Their results and involvement in the project were disseminated at the local level via local newspapers and other media. They have also prepared the Action plan for carbon footprint reduction.
The expert from the Croatian Institute for Public Health has been exceptionally active in the data collection since the beginning of the project. Nevertheless, further help was needed because of the comprehensiveness of the national Bilan Carbone Clim’Foot model. There were questions from their side concerning the insertion of results gained from the undertaken work in their annual reports, the importance of the carbon footprint calculation on the national levels, and differences between carbon and environmental footprint.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (University of Zagreb), after hosting the on-site visit were in a process of intensive data gathering. That process was finished in time and they delivered the carbon footprint calculation and appropriate report. They have shown high capability in data comprehension giving to the beneficiary additional inputs from an academic perspective. The representative from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture is an active member of the National Technical Committee.
For the representatives of Zagreb Freight Station, due to the complexity of their business activities with the purpose to include the most significant ones in the calculation, an on-site visit was organized in December 2017. Even though they showed a low stage in data collection, they emphasized their interest in the project and their willingness to calculate the carbon footprint. The Zagreb Freight Station is particularly interested in energy efficiency and environmental protection projects, and their experts have good knowledge of those topics.
The experts from the Croatian Employment Service have organized a meeting in their headquarters. The Croatian Employment Service has decided to consider just Scope 1 and Scope 2 because of the complexity for data collection regarding Scope 3 and the lack of time and knowledge to consider Scope 3.
In February 2017, the on-site visit was held in the Croatian Lottery, with three participants representing the key employees involved in the data collection process. Even though they were in a satisfying stage of data collection, they needed additional help and consultations from the beneficiary itself.
As endorsed during the on-site visit, Valamar Riviera experts are very much familiar with the carbon footprint calculation process. They are already using a tool for carbon footprint calculation in the tourism from the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative, which makes them already aware of the data sets required for the calculation. Valamar Riviera has decided to include all the owned facilities (30 hotels and 12 auto camps) in the calculation, having a centralizing system with very comprehensive data sets. The representative from Valamar Riviera is considerably active in carbon accounting with a high level of knowledge in the topic.
EKONERG experts, besides being part of the voluntary program, have been involved in the development of a national database of emission factors which gives them an expert level in scopes comprehension. Besides hosting a meeting in their premises in March 2018, they have delivered a remarkably correct final carbon footprint calculation in the national Bilan Carbone model and appropriate report.
Ericcsson Nikola Tesla has disseminated well the acknowledgements obtained within the project in their Company journal. Since they represent one of the largest companies in Croatia, their willingness to participate in the voluntary programme was giving an additional value to the project. They were extremely active in their data collection, trying to comprehend most of their activities and their experts have shown a high level of knowledge in the tops. They have calculated their carbon footprint for all scopes (scopes: 1, 2 and 3) and prepared the report on the results of carbon footprint calculation.
Končar - Power Transformers was intensively working on their carbon footprint calculation during the last project months. The lack of emission factor for transformer oil has been pointed out by their experts, which has not been developed in the framework of the project and represents a significant portion of their carbon footprint. They finalised carbon footprint calculation for all three scopes and provided the report in August 2018.
The Croatian Agency for Environment and Nature expert involved in the voluntary programme is also a member of the Advisory board of the project. Since the Agency is a national representative for GHG accounting at international level, it has shown interest in the project and involved a lot of staff in carbon footprint calculation. The Agency has delivered good feedback and was actively collecting data since the training sessions. The data collection process resulted in a complete carbon footprint calculation for all scopes and very good report on the carbon footprint calculation.
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